The ancient Contrata de Grepu, according to documents of medieval times, with mills and cultivated fields (timaria), belonged to the Byzantine lord Petriti or Petrentinos who gifted the village to the Palatianos family (probably as a dowry). A Byzantine tower has been preserved from this family. From the Roman period there is the ground plan of a ceramic brick building with a diameter of 5 meters that was probably used for a barn or cistern.
Petritis was known since Roman times. In medieval times it was known as Contrata de evidenced in 1328.
Visible / Reachable by public?
Yes, reachable by the public.
Heritage Value
The ancient Contrata de Grepu, according to documents of medieval times, with mills and cultivated fields (timaria), belonged to the Byzantine lord Petriti or Petrentinos who gifted the village to the Palatianos family (probably as a dowry).
Touristic exploitation
No, no admittance fee.
Eco-Touristic added value
Located in the south of Corfu, it offers many hiking trails and access to beaches.
Proposed activities
Petritis is the largest fishing island in Corfu offering visitors a range of seafood dining options at local tavernas.
Roman ruins, Petritis, 8.0 out of 8 based on 1 rating