Palaiokastritsa is referenced from mythical times up to present days. Supposedly one of the ports where Ulysses arrived. The Christian monastery was built in 1225, then in the XVIII century the main church dedicated to the Holy Virgin and the cells of monks were constructed.
From mythical times up to present days. Supposedly one of the ports where Odysseus arrived.
Visible / Reachable by public?
Yes, reachable by the public, by car or public transportation.
Heritage Value
Palaiokastritsa is the bay where Ulysses was supposed to have been washed up on shore after his last and worst shipwreck described in the Odyssey. It is where princess Nausicaa, led by Athena, found him. The Phaeacians gave him a ship to return safely back to Ithaca, but this made Poseidon furious who then petrified the ship which legend claims that is now the island in the bay of Palaiokastritsa, where Alcinoos palace was located (same legend also applied to Pontikonisi-Hyllaic Harbour).
Monastery and Christian church: the Christian monastery were built in 1225, then in the XVIII century the main church dedicated to the Holy Virgin and the cells of monks were constructed.
Touristic exploitation
Yes, no admittance fee. Also, it is a very popular beach for swimmers.
Eco-Touristic added value
The landscape is one of the prettiest of the island. The peninsulas form six natural bays, where the water of the sea assumes amazing colors from blue to green. The low temperature of the waters is due to cold water sources coming from the mountains nearby. Many caves of exceptional beauty enrich the natural scenery. Geological observation is interesting thanks to the area’s particularity. Vegetation is also thick and presents special interest for plants and animal species. Palaiokastritsa is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable areas of Corfu standing out with its crystal waters, a rocky coast, and bays without sand. The beauty of the landscape leaves no one untouched. The green of pines and beaches with golden sands enchants every visitor.
Proposed activities
Palaiokastritsa is one of the best places in Corfu for snorkeling. Suggestion for a swim near Skialoudi small islet, just in front of Palaiokastritsa which is also a great diving point.
It is possible also to visit Nausicaa caves and St. Nicholas caves. Suggestion also to drive along an amazing panoramic road and to admire from the top all Palaiokastritsa area. From this road you can see all together the six different bays, the two peninsulas and the Mediterranean nature that together with olive and lemon trees goes down into the Greek sea. In Palaiokastritsa you can also visit the monastery placed on the top of a little promontory. Guided tour. Also boat tour along the rocky coast and the numerous caves.
Palaiokastritsa Bay, 8.0 out of 8 based on 1 rating